Saturday, April 24, 2010

YAHOO Toolbar not working with IE Beta...Why??

downloaded the current update for Toolbar, and WHAMO...IE 7.0 willllnot start-up without going to error message. It worked before update. So i deleted Toolbar from system, and tried to reload. Still happens....

YAHOO Toolbar not working with IE Beta...Why??microsoft zune

I have Internet Explorer 7 Beta3 and I don't have any problems with Yahoo! Toolbar, but I haven't downloaded the latest Yahoo! Toolbar with Norton Spyware Scan. I am still using the one with Anti-Spy. Thanks to your question, I will keep the toolbar with Anti-Spy and not upgrade.


You can do a system restore. Click Start %26gt; All Programs %26gt; Accessories %26gt; System Tools %26gt; click System Restore and restore back to a point that it worked. The only problem is you will lose any downloads or changes you made after that restore point.

YAHOO Toolbar not working with IE Beta...Why??windows nt internet explorer

Because IE7 is still in the Beta.

Y! Toolbar works either for IE6,or Mozilla Firefox.
hi, perhaps you can try firefox and google toolbar. which maybe more powerful and easy to use.

just have a try. free download:

good Luck

Html FRAMES - looks fine on IE - but the frames "squash" in Firefox/Netscape?

the easiest way to let you know what I mean is probably just give you the URL...

.. It looks fine in IE so far but in Firefox and Netscape the vertical and horizontal scales to the browser window. does any one know how I can prevent this?

I would re-do it in tables but the way the 2 .SWF's communicate I'd lose alot of whats cool about it. -thanks- M

Html FRAMES - looks fine on IE - but the frames "squash" in Firefox/Netscape?windows mail

So specify the width of the frames in pixels only (not percentages).

That way what will happen when the user's window is too small is the page will continue offscreen and they'll get a scrollbar.

How to open http file server through IE 7?

My school runs an http file server, and I used to be able to just open windows explorer and type in the IP address and drag and drop files normally, but now that I've installed IE 7, it always takes me to Internet Explorer whenever i try opening the IP from windows explorer, which prevents me from drag/drop. how do i fix this?

How to open http file server through IE 7?windows xp home

why don't try firefox. it is easier.

My computer automatically changes my IE Privacy settings, can anyone help me?

So I set my computer's IE privacy settings to medium-high and then a minute later theyre back at accepting all cookies and receiving a whole bunch of advertisements. I get banners that say spyware has been detected on my internet and I've tried several different ant-virus softwares, but it nothing has cured the virus yet. Can anyone help me or shed some light on my situation? Thank you so much, it would be greatly appreciated!

My computer automatically changes my IE Privacy settings, can anyone help me?windows xp professional

What i probably do is update all your antivirus software and go to download the free software really great little program it will catch all the spywares on your computer. Once u download go ahead download the updates for it and then what will do is shutdown your pc and go to safe mode. Reason is when on safemode only the system boot goes ON not any other programs only program that boots the PC .exe This is how u go to safe mode while booting up press on f8 couple of time till you see a DOS asking you how do you want to boot up go ahead and choose safemode. Once your on safemode go ahead and do your scanning do your antivirus first then spybot.. You'll see alot of spyware im sure coz it actually compromise already your Internet Explorer. Once done scanning make sure u delete all the spywares found or fix problem on spybot and go ahead and reboot normally. Once reboot go ahead and go to your Internet settings put everything in default setting and shut it down and turn it back up again. Your spybot search and destroy program will monitor everything that goes on your pc it wil ask you if u want it to access your registry..if you don't know the program always click NO! hope this help you alittle. :)

Still having internet explorrer problems, IE version 6, windows XP?

if I go to a website in my favorites list, its ok. If i type in a website on the address bar it doesnt go, also using "file" and "open" to type it in, ie locks up and I have to close it. I did spyware scan, adware scan, virus scan and didnt help. Its a recient problem because it worked fine a few days ago. my connection is good, i type in the address properly etc... no i wont just live with it, because it used to work. could it be not connecting to the dns server??? how would i check/fix that? no new software has been installed.

Still having internet explorrer problems, IE version 6, windows XP?nintendo ds browser

download the IE6 again


Still having internet explorrer problems, IE version 6, windows XP?windows 98 internet explorer

illegal copy perhaps?
The answer is simple, do what I don't do.

I don't use Windows XP.

Are you still using that poor Internet Explorer? Hmmm... I highly recommend Mozille Firefox or Opera, they are both AWESOME. They are ergonomic, they are FREE, they are explorers... They have integrated download and skin engines, they have tab systems, they open pages faster... Hmmm Bill Gates can go to hell...

How do I change the IE exceptions?

I need to take something out of my IE exceptions. How do I do that?

How do I change the IE exceptions?microsoft publisher

I would guess that you will not get too many answers to this one....

How do I change the IE exceptions?microsoft live internet explorer

Try to ask this question at

Perfect site for IT profs.
Assuming you have a proxy server setup:


Internet Options,


Lan Settings,


The box at the bottom contains all your exceptions...

Help ~ !! Visual Studio 2005 and IE 7 ! !?

Anyone can tell me what are the features from Visual studio 2005 that the IE 7 does not support ?

One of the problem i know is that IE7 cant auto adjust the length of the panel. Any other problem?

please advice if there is any solution to the problem.

Thanks alot ~ ~

Help ~ !! Visual Studio 2005 and IE 7 ! !?microsoft templates

Now Microsoft stopped supporting Java... If the end user installs IE7 in a fresh windows system, he'll not get Java Scripts working. This will lead to problems if you include some JavaScripts in your code.

Must visit Sun website to get JavaRunTime...

Is it possible to remove IE Add-ons? If it is possible how do you do it?

IE 6.0 SP2

Is it possible to remove IE Add-ons? If it is possible how do you do it?windows media player 10

Go to IE tools click on manage add-ons then diable the ones you don't want to use or uninstall them from controle panel.

Is it possible to remove IE Add-ons? If it is possible how do you do it?microsoft net internet explorer

Add/Remove Programs or Spyware Search and Destroy
Go to tool bar...RIGHT click...Customize Command Bar...Choose your option...
on the menu bar click tools then goto manage add ons then highlight the add on and then disable.

Have you heard of parkin? ie the dessert?

i was trying to explain to boyfriend last night what parkin is, ie the bonfire night dessert, we used to have it at school dinners with custard (yummy). he said that hes been alive for 37 years and has never heard of it... he reckons i'm making it up... please tell me if you've heard of it too...

Have you heard of parkin? ie the dessert?microsoft exchange

yep a traditionally welsh grandma always used to make it for us when we went to visit

Have you heard of parkin? ie the dessert?windows vista ultimate internet explorer

Parkin is very popular in the North of England, Blackpool Lancaster sort of way. It is like a ginger cake and is very often served as a dessert with icecream or custard. It 's lovely.
It does exist Gina, its really popular up here in yorkshire.
Parkin is like a ginger cake and is tradionally eaten on bonfire night. Here is a recipe if you fancy making it yourself

.225g (8oz) Plain Flour

225g (8oz) Medium Oatmeal

110g (4oz) Lard or Margarine

110g (4oz) Golden Syrup

110g (4oz) Black Treacle

110g 4oz Sugar

1 Egg, beaten

4 tsp Ground Ginger

1 tsp Ground Cinnamon (optional)

1 tsp Bicarbonate of Soda

Pinch Salt

Pre-heat oven to 170掳C: 325掳F: Gas 3.

Grease and line a square baking tin with buttered greaseproof paper.

Sieve the flour, bicarbonate of soda, ginger, salt and cinnamon (if used).

Add the oats and sugar, mix lightly.

Gently rub in the lard or margarine.

Stir in the beaten egg.

Gently warm the syrup and treacle, so that they can be easily poured.

Make a well in the centre of the mixture and add the syrup and treacle.

Mix thoroughly.

Pour the mixture into the prepared baking tin.

Bake for 45-60 minutes or until firm and cooked.

Allow to cool for at 15-20 minutes before removing from the tin.

Cut into squares, keep in an airtight tin for 24 hours before serving.
Parkin is lovely, my mum bakes it from time to time. When she asks if I want any, I always say I have parkin space.
Yep, it's being served up at my local pub at their Guy Fawkes night bonfire and firework display on Monday November 5th. Come along and let him try some. Entrance is free to the display , however you need to pay for the food and drink. Starts at 5.30pm.
Yeah my mum bakes Parkin, yummy sticky ginger cake : )
I live in the north of the UK and we never had ginger bread or ginger cake it was always called parkin.
my mum used to make it for bonfire night, she would cut it into squares, we would eat it like cake

Ever since I upgraded to IE 7.0, I must click on the "refresh" button to get a new Web pag

Can I return to previous IE version?

Ever since I upgraded to IE 7.0, I must click on the "refresh" button to get a new Web page to live


Visit for a very detailed answer from CNET.

Ever since I upgraded to IE 7.0, I must click on the "refresh" button to get a new Web pag

Can I return to previous IE version?

Ever since I upgraded to IE 7.0, I must click on the "refresh" button to get a new Web page to live


Visit for a very detailed answer from CNET.

Firefox with vista cant get rid of IE on some of the default settings?

example i try to access the internet from paint shop pro and it will start up in firefox but then IE kicks in aswell

Firefox with vista cant get rid of IE on some of the default settings?microsoft zune

Go to Start, Control Panel, Networking and Internet, Internet Options, Internet Properties and click on the Programs tab. On mine, it says Internet Explorer is not the default web browser. What does it say on yours? It was a lot easier on XP to find stuff!

Is it possible to remove IE Add-ons? If it is possible how do you do it?

IE 6.0 SP2

Is it possible to remove IE Add-ons? If it is possible how do you do it?windows media player 10

Go to IE tools click on manage add-ons then diable the ones you don't want to use or uninstall them from controle panel.

Is it possible to remove IE Add-ons? If it is possible how do you do it?microsoft net internet explorer

Add/Remove Programs or Spyware Search and Destroy
Go to tool bar...RIGHT click...Customize Command Bar...Choose your option...
on the menu bar click tools then goto manage add ons then highlight the add on and then disable.

Accessing mobile Gmail via IE?

I will be traveling to Central America this summer and last time I was there, I found (obviously) the internet connections extremely slow, and Gmail was almost prohibitively slow, taking sometimes 10 minutes to load so I could read my email. I had the idea of using the mobile Gmail interface ( but I am unable to open this page in Internet Explorer, only Firefox. Since most computers I've been on in C.A. only have IE, I was wondering what's up, or if this problem is reproduceable for any of you out there. Thanks!

Accessing mobile Gmail via IE?windows xp themes

IE doesn't allow you to access Gmail properly because Microsoft and Google don't work that well together so Microsoft

doesnt allow Google to access its network fully and one question what country are you in at the moment that will help me fix your problemyou cont have to tell me if you dont want to but you can email me if you want

Running Internet Explorer, how can I force a txt file to open in IE, but still open in Notepad norma

When I open a txt file downloaded from the Internet while I am in IE, it opens in NotePad. If I open the same file on another PC, it opens in IE, just displaying the text.

What determines how the file opens in IE? I've tried Folder Options, but that does not control it using IE 6 - Windows XP Professional.

Running Internet Explorer, how can I force a txt file to open in IE, but still open in Notepad normally?replacement windows

Right click on the file and click "open with", if IE isn't displayed in the window click "choose program" and click IE, this will force the document to open in IE.

Running Internet Explorer, how can I force a txt file to open in IE, but still open in Notepad normally?windows mail internet explorer

Using your file explorer go to Tools -%26gt; Folder Options -%26gt; File Types tab -%26gt; scroll down to .TXT and set the association to open with IE instead of Notepad; it will auto open by default in IE but can always be seen in notepad as well.

When politicians argue with eachother ie. verbal abuse, rather than the issue at hand, what do you c

there's a debate between a member(s) of parliament, and instead of focusing on the argument, they indulge in childish and verbal abuse ie. sarcasm, ridicule, name calling, threats... and the issue is not appopriately attended to in a single seating because of the "circus".

When politicians argue with eachother ie. verbal abuse, rather than the issue at hand, what do you call that?ds browser

Its called childish and a waste of our tax money.

Politics is when they stick to the issues and argue their points

When politicians argue with eachother ie. verbal abuse, rather than the issue at hand, what do you call that?microsoft templates internet explorer

its called "politics" :)
Normal political banter. Makes you wonder how they got there doesn't it?
When ever I see Parliament on CSPAN I stop and watch. It's very entertaining and refreshing compared to the dry political drone of our congress.
mudslinging, I think. Happens all the time, not just during debates, but actual campaign commercials too. They're always so busy digging up dirt on their competition, they forget to focus on what they propose to do once elected.
I call it politics as usual.
Each one thinks they are right and when it gets out of hand their insecurities comes into focus
A gross waste of time. Debates should be refereed like football. "Offsides" could be called anytime they drift off topic. "Unnecessary roughing" when the name-calling starts!
Here we make up bullshit flag burning laws and spend days pissing around with that while all hell is breaking loose worldwide

F,o,x as summarizing up to 6 (ie f=6,o=15=1+5=6,x=24=2+4=6) h,q,Z(sums to 8) means?

false god=...=6

f=nit(when read down, ie knight)=false god

o=...=don=false god

x=picture of a cross(on an angle) meaning the churchs you see with the cross are false god. cross %26amp; church is a false god.

h=iI7(8=real God)

q=b(=DI sealed together ie IIII I)

Z=Stevens.n(both are .I7 mixed up and sealed together).Seventeen=Stevens.n where e+e(upside down)=S

So i carry the ID of God with Me, being legally a Stevenson born on the I7.

and I AM in a WAR with the false god(s) of this world. Thats why they want to murder the Real God who equals God Most High.

Question is who do you side with?

Called God JEhovah=false god

both sides sum to f(6)

Called Larry Todd Stevenson=Real God

both siddes sum to h(8)

false god(s) will lie to you

real god(s) might lie to spare feelings

F,o,x as summarizing up to 6 (ie f=6,o=15=1+5=6,x=24=2+4=6) h,q,Z(sums to 8) means?microsoft office 2003

This "question" has no actual connection with the bible or with Jehovah's Witnesses.

Learn more:

F,o,x as summarizing up to 6 (ie f=6,o=15=1+5=6,x=24=2+4=6) h,q,Z(sums to 8) means?windows xp professional internet explorer

Why is the mainstream media ignoring this ??
during your next moment of clarity go down to the rehab clinic and get checked in...
If this makes sense to you in any way, go see a head doctor.
What does that make me? I was born a #8! You sure took a simple concept of 1-9 (A-H) look complex to the outside world! By the way, if you lay the figure 8 on it's side, it then becomes the symbol of INFINITY! Why do these "false gods" upset you so much? We all need some free entertainment, ya know! Lighten up before you blow a gasket! ACCEPT ALL %26amp; you will be happier in your knowledge of the numbers %26amp; how they relate to the world around us!
Proof that message-boarding causes mental degradation and substance abuse

When politicians argue with eachother ie. verbal abuse, rather than the issue at hand, what do you c

there's a debate between a member(s) of parliament, and instead of focusing on the argument, they indulge in childish and verbal abuse ie. sarcasm, ridicule, name calling, threats... and the issue is not appopriately attended to in a single seating because of the "circus".

When politicians argue with eachother ie. verbal abuse, rather than the issue at hand, what do you call that?ds browser

Its called childish and a waste of our tax money.

Politics is when they stick to the issues and argue their points

When politicians argue with eachother ie. verbal abuse, rather than the issue at hand, what do you call that?microsoft templates internet explorer

its called "politics" :)
Normal political banter. Makes you wonder how they got there doesn't it?
When ever I see Parliament on CSPAN I stop and watch. It's very entertaining and refreshing compared to the dry political drone of our congress.
mudslinging, I think. Happens all the time, not just during debates, but actual campaign commercials too. They're always so busy digging up dirt on their competition, they forget to focus on what they propose to do once elected.
I call it politics as usual.
Each one thinks they are right and when it gets out of hand their insecurities comes into focus
A gross waste of time. Debates should be refereed like football. "Offsides" could be called anytime they drift off topic. "Unnecessary roughing" when the name-calling starts!
Here we make up bullshit flag burning laws and spend days pissing around with that while all hell is breaking loose worldwide

When politicians argue with eachother ie. verbal abuse, rather than the issue at hand, what do you c

there's a debate between a member(s) of parliament, and instead of focusing on the argument, they indulge in childish and verbal abuse ie. sarcasm, ridicule, name calling, threats... and the issue is not appopriately attended to in a single seating because of the "circus".

When politicians argue with eachother ie. verbal abuse, rather than the issue at hand, what do you call that?ds browser

Its called childish and a waste of our tax money.

Politics is when they stick to the issues and argue their points

When politicians argue with eachother ie. verbal abuse, rather than the issue at hand, what do you call that?microsoft templates internet explorer

its called "politics" :)
Normal political banter. Makes you wonder how they got there doesn't it?
When ever I see Parliament on CSPAN I stop and watch. It's very entertaining and refreshing compared to the dry political drone of our congress.
mudslinging, I think. Happens all the time, not just during debates, but actual campaign commercials too. They're always so busy digging up dirt on their competition, they forget to focus on what they propose to do once elected.
I call it politics as usual.
Each one thinks they are right and when it gets out of hand their insecurities comes into focus
A gross waste of time. Debates should be refereed like football. "Offsides" could be called anytime they drift off topic. "Unnecessary roughing" when the name-calling starts!
Here we make up bullshit flag burning laws and spend days pissing around with that while all hell is breaking loose worldwide

Trying to get Internet Exploer(IE)going its already on desktop i just need to change setting help me

Im trying to get IE going but I need to change the setting please help me Instant message me at or you do all I ask is you guide me step by step to fix it up to use it and I can get rid of AOl all together.

Please Help.Thanks


Trying to get Internet Exploer(IE)going its already on desktop i just need to change setting help me project

I get no points for helping you via e-mail! 8-)

Trying to get Internet Exploer(IE)going its already on desktop i just need to change setting help me powerpoint internet explorer

could you elaborate more? what do you mean you need to change the setting. what settings? what do you want to do?
Ray, go to Windows or microsoft updates and download any and all available updates. However, befor and after you do that make sure that you do a complete clean up of your system.

In case you don't know how to do that, follow these steps:


While you are connected to the Internet do the following:

1. Click on tools ... Internet options. There you will see three buttons next to each other... "Delete Cookies" ... "Delete Files" and "Settings." Also, below the settings button you will see another one "Clear history."

2. Click on "settings" - go to "Edit" - Click on "select all" - Go to files, click delete and wait till all Internet trash files are gone.

3. Go back and click on "delete cookies" and wait till all cookies are gone

4. Go back and click on "Delete files," put a check mark on the little white square shown on the small window that will open, click OK and wait for a little.

5. Go back and click on "Clear history", click “yes” and you are done.

6. Now do a check disk and a defrag, then restart your computer and see if the problem is resolved.

7. If all fails, get on the internet and look in the Yahoo search for the Tune-Up Utilities 2006 site; go to that site and download their free trial program, familiarize your self with it and use it to clean up your registry automatically. It is an excellent little program and does wonders with PC maintenance tasks along many other helpful and useful chores.

Hope this helps.


Can you set Firefox\IE to use Gmail when you click an Email link?

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Yahoo are recommending updating to IE 7 is it now compatible with BT Yahoo?

I previously downloaded IE7 and was unable to access regularly used websites etc ... After hours of fruitless communicating with BT helpdesk I had to regress to IE 6 and restore my PC to an earlier date!

Yahoo are recommending updating to IE 7 is it now compatible with BT Yahoo?microsoft money

i installed IE7 and it was awful slowed comp down and it caused problems,alot of people had probs and like me i uninstalled it its rubbish.tip if u use it again and want to go back to IE6 you dont have to restore ya pc just go to add and remove it alot easier.

Yahoo are recommending updating to IE 7 is it now compatible with BT Yahoo?windows explorer internet explorer

I use IE7 and Yahoo all the time - I have not found anything that I cannot use IE7 on.

BTW - It takes a bit of getting used to as the layout is different - but I like it.
I wont be downloading IE7 untill they get the several million bugs out of it....Once again Mircosoft rushing things and not doing the job properly

How to block images wih IE?

i can do it with firefox by right clicking on the pic and scroll down to "block image from .." but with IE doesnt have that option anyone know how???

How to block images wih IE?microsoft windows

You cant block images from one website, but you can take all images off by:

On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.

Click the Advanced tab, and then verify that the Show Pictures check box is selected under Multimedia.

Click OK.

Yahoo are recommending updating to IE 7 is it now compatible with BT Yahoo?

I previously downloaded IE7 and was unable to access regularly used websites etc ... After hours of fruitless communicating with BT helpdesk I had to regress to IE 6 and restore my PC to an earlier date!

Yahoo are recommending updating to IE 7 is it now compatible with BT Yahoo?microsoft money

i installed IE7 and it was awful slowed comp down and it caused problems,alot of people had probs and like me i uninstalled it its rubbish.tip if u use it again and want to go back to IE6 you dont have to restore ya pc just go to add and remove it alot easier.

Yahoo are recommending updating to IE 7 is it now compatible with BT Yahoo?windows explorer internet explorer

I use IE7 and Yahoo all the time - I have not found anything that I cannot use IE7 on.

BTW - It takes a bit of getting used to as the layout is different - but I like it.
I wont be downloading IE7 untill they get the several million bugs out of it....Once again Mircosoft rushing things and not doing the job properly

How do I fix it so that my IE doesn't quit responding?

My IE keeps not responding, when that happens I have to end task in order to close it %26amp; then restart the computer in order to get it to even load again. Does anybody have any ideas about how to fix this issue. I've tried a registry cleaner, but after doing that my IE can't find the server at all.

How do I fix it so that my IE doesn't quit responding?windows mobile 6

Download Firefox!


Or you can uninstall/reinstall IE. Just go ahead and go into Add/Remove %26amp; Repair. It strips it done to a baser version and you can redownload IE 7, if you wish.

How do I fix it so that my IE doesn't quit responding?microsoft office 2003 internet explorer

The easiest way to fix this is to not use IE. It has many problems (as you've obviously discovered), is not very secure, and over all not so user friendly. Try Firefox, you will have far fewer issues. It also has better security features, is fabulously user friendly, and all around just rocks.
u should use new browser like Mozzila firefox (best browser atm)

it never "not responding" and have a fast webs loading u should try it

download it from (thats not a commercial)

How to get rid of IE Virus?

So I've been convinced that my codec was " outdated " next thing you know, I believe i have an IE virus working it's way through my labtop's harddrives and memories. Can someone please tell me how to get rid of it ASAP. It has only been like 8 minutes since the virus has been in effect.

How to get rid of IE Virus?windows messenger

You probably caught this infection by attempting to watch a video at some website. The site said you "needed" a codec or a phony Active-X control so then you downloaded it to watch the video. This was actually a ruse. A scam if you will. It was not a codec at all. (The video would have played fine without that "Codec")! What you actually downloaded was a Trojan called "Zlob".


This trojan then "phoned home" and installed the popup saying "system alert" adware on your computer with out your knowledge.

Sorry dude, but you was conned.

Your computer very likely has a Smitfraud infection now, which is a very difficult one to remove. Most "all-purpose" anti-virus and anti-spyware programs (such as have been recommended to you) can only remove the original Trojan Zlob which caused the infection and not the infection itself.

This Smitfraud infection usually requires a specialized removal procedure and removal tools. Here is a link for information and free removal software:

Another free removal tool for you to try. This one is call RogueFix. Tool and full infomation are here:

After running SmitfraudFix or RogueFix, I strongly suggest to clean-up any infection traces that may remain...scan for trojans, adware, cookies, and spyware and remove (free online scan, no downloaded program) with Ewido Online Scanner ( now known as AVG Anti-Spyware). This is NOT the same as AVG Anti-Virus. Press "Scan your computer now online and clean it for free!" on the left.

One should never allow any website download anything to you unless you 1000% know and trust the web-site and you know exactly what you are downloading. Such downloads are almost anyways malware.

Good luck!

Why i am unable to bring up any web site(shows "IE can't display this page") using IE

I am unable to bring up any web site using IE. Firefox works fine. I have been working with Firefox so far. But I have to use some sites which only support IE. Any help in diagnosing and fixing this will be much appreciated.

Why i am unable to bring up any web site(shows "IE can't display this page") using IE. Firefox works installer

Check the proxy settings in IE, perhaps you have something in there. Or if you need proxy settings, perhaps they are missing

Tools-%26gt;Internet Options-%26gt;Connections-%26gt;Lan Settings

Why i am unable to bring up any web site(shows "IE can't display this page") using IE. Firefox works vista internet explorer

Sometimes only one (firefox or IE) will work at a time. IDK why
Use good Anti Virus /Spyware.

This may be b'cz of virus...

Forget about IE. It is problematic. Use firefox since you say it works fine.
in firefox go to tools%26gt;options%26gt;advanced%26gt;network%26gt;settings and see the settings. Next in IE go to tools%26gt;internet options%26gt;connections%26gt;lan settings and make the settings same as u observe in ur firefox(as detailed earlier)

How to import Cookies from IE to Safari on the Mac?

I am moving over to the Mac and want to be able to import the Cookies from IE on Windows to Safari on the Mac. I have been able to export a text file, but don't see a way to import from Safari these Cookies. Cookies on the Mac are these .plist files and are in a different format. Is there a utility on the Mac that takes these exports Cookie text files from Windows and imports them into the Mac so they can be used in Safari (or Firefox on the Mac)?

How to import Cookies from IE to Safari on the Mac?internet browser

I know you can import your bookmarks and favorites to Safari from IE, but I'm not sure about individual cookies. The first time you use Safari it's supposed to prompt you if you want to import from other browsers.

From a security standpoint I'm not fond of importing cookies (the kind that contain credit card info, account numbers, etc.) if it requires different file formats and a conversion media. Too much of a risk that something gets compromised during the conversion and sensitive data gets into the wrong hands. But you might contact tech support at Apple to see what they suggest.


Once again: Why do I have to use IE with YM?

I asked this question a few weeks ago and can only see one of the answers, and it is not at all pertinent to the question I asked, so I'm asking again, and I am also requesting that anyone answering please READ what I say before clicking that Answer link.

I already know how to configure my default browser for my entire computer. That is not the problem. (How in the *heck* did that guy get voted Best Answer?) The problem is that YAHOO MESSENGER uses IE as a default browser, REGARDLESS of what my actual default browser is. (In this case, it's Mozilla Firefox.)

What I need to know is how to make YAHOO MESSENGER change its default browser from IE to Firefox. There is no *obvious* way to do this, but maybe there's a shortcut. Or maybe there isn't. If anybody knows, please let me know. Thanks for your time.

(I'm running Vista and, I think, the latest version of YM.)

Once again: Why do I have to use IE with YM?safari browser

I use FireFox as my default browser (but I use XP on my main computer, vista is on our test box) and the best way i have found for Yahoo! Messenger to recognise my default selection (of browser) is to start from scratch

login to Yahoo! Messenger, let it load your friends list etc

now sign out

now Exit

head back to FireFox (I use v2):

Tools %26gt; Options %26gt; Main / System Defaults

uncheck "Always check to see if Firefox is the default browser on startup" click OK,

exit out of FireFox

Restart F/Fox

now go back to Tools %26gt; Options %26gt; Main / System Defaults

this time check "Always check to see if Firefox is the default browser on startup"

click on the Check now Button, if it's configured correctly, click OK

now head to Control Panel %26gt; Internet Options

click on Programs (tab), uncheck "Tell me if IE is not the Default Browser", click Apply, click OK

now head to Start %26gt; Default Programs %26gt; Set Program Access and Computer Defaults %26gt; Custom

on the left hand menu you should see Mozilla FireFox installed, select this (click once) now select (from below the right hand frame), "Select this program as default", click OK

there is an xp utility at

which some vista user say have run happily (others not) but it might be worth a shot as it sets your default browser also, and it "should" be recognised by other 3rd applications e.g msn, yahoo etc. I've never actually tried it myself...

the default settings are stored in your registry.. if they aren't being recognised then I would guess that the registry isn't updating correctly, or is being overwritten by IE at some point. I believe earlier versions of IE and IE7 releases had this as an issue so you might want to check with Windows Update to ensure you have any packs or updates for IE7.

all that aside, the reason IE has to be installed for Yahoo! to work correctly is that your Instant Messenger windows are actually mini IE browser windows.. its why your java, scripting and Flash installs and settings must be done via IE not your default browser as such (eg FireFox) and why yahoo messenger v8 users must have IE6 (or above installed and configured) even if they never, ever use it :)

Once again: Why do I have to use IE with YM?ds browser internet explorerA faster, easier way is to just do it through Yahoo! Messengers settings. Preferences - General - uncheck the "Open web links in a new browser." box. Report It

I don't run Vista and I don't honestly know if there is a way to get Messenger to change, so my best advice to you is to write to Yahoo itself and ask them your question. I honestly believe they are the only ones who can give you the true answer you are looking for. Good luck with your issue. Sorry I couldn't help any more.

ActiveX keeps shutting down my IE?

when i click the prompt to run activeX at a certain site it closes my IE window every time

ActiveX keeps shutting down my IE?windows media player 11

Internet Explorer is a horrible browser. I suggest Firefox ( It's faster and safer. Plus there is tabbed browsing and a convenient search bar. Plus it's fully skinable and there are entension you can install and you won't have this ActiveX problem (I know cause I had the same problem). It's a 100% better browser

ActiveX keeps shutting down my IE?microsoft publisher internet explorer

that happens to me 2 and it says u have 2 download it but i wouldnt do it if i were u
It's new feature from Microsoft...
Go to and get the newest updates for your computer. One of them will contain a patch for Active X.

Signing into yahoo mail beta, IE makes makes the 'hyperlink click sound' about 15 times...

Basically it's annoying and I want to know if anyone else has the same problem. Thanks....running IE 6.0.29 sp2

Signing into yahoo mail beta, IE makes makes the 'hyperlink click sound' about 15 times...what's up with that?microsoft office 2007

If u hate that stupid sound comin...Go to control panel%26gt;sounds and choose no sounds profile and press Ok....

Signing into yahoo mail beta, IE makes makes the 'hyperlink click sound' about 15 times...what's up with that?windows media internet explorer

this just means that the page is refreshing. It's usually because of the advertisements on the page that change periodically.

I just figured out that ie stores all your passwords and personal info in a file is this legal?

i just found out that Internet explore stores all my passwords and history in a file called index.dat and their is no way to erase this data even if you tell it to delete your history and everything. I think this is ridiculous because it makes it easy for any one to get your private info from this log. i have passwords to my stock and bank account sites that i dont want any one to have. is this really legal for microsoft to do. i am pissed what can i do and what are your opinions about this. This just makes it easier for hackers and shows how insecure microsoft really is. I knew that ie was insecure the second i realized it is embeded in the os and you can uninstall it like all other apps. so tell me what your oppinions are on this and if any one knows how to disable this tell me please.

I just figured out that ie stores all your passwords and personal info in a file is this legal?microsoft excel

if microsoft created that can probably be assured it is safe...but if you dont want ie to store everything...use Mozilla my opinion it is the best web browser on the face of the earth...and it asks you if you want to store your passwords and history...and if you wont record em...if your interested...visit

I just figured out that ie stores all your passwords and personal info in a file is this legal?microsoft updates internet explorer

It's perfectly legal because it's completely optional if you want IE to do this or not.

You can delete that data by deleting the file it's stored in, and you can turn off this option by going into Internet Options, Content, Personal Information, Autocomplete...

Microsoft is not storing this information on their database, it's stored on YOUR computer, for YOUR usage.

ActiveX keeps shutting down my IE?

when i click the prompt to run activeX at a certain site it closes my IE window every time

ActiveX keeps shutting down my IE?windows media player 11

Internet Explorer is a horrible browser. I suggest Firefox ( It's faster and safer. Plus there is tabbed browsing and a convenient search bar. Plus it's fully skinable and there are entension you can install and you won't have this ActiveX problem (I know cause I had the same problem). It's a 100% better browser

ActiveX keeps shutting down my IE?microsoft publisher internet explorer

that happens to me 2 and it says u have 2 download it but i wouldnt do it if i were u
It's new feature from Microsoft...
Go to and get the newest updates for your computer. One of them will contain a patch for Active X.

Trying to switch to new mail but get IE message that page cannot be displayed. What other options do

I'm using the classic version of yahoo mail and want to switch to the new mail client. When I click the link, the IE window changes to a 'cannot display page' page. I've tried on different versions of IE and Windows (XP and Vista) but to no avail. Anyone have any idea?

Trying to switch to new mail but get IE message that page cannot be displayed. What other options do I have?windows movie maker

keep trying

clear cookies etc

need help with that let us know



not being able to sign in yahoo email incorrect number of recived email alerts on home page and by messenger

the foward and reply option in yahoo mail

blank messenges when you check mail

slow loading mail page

and even sending and recieving email etc etc are still having issues

these and other issues have been reported many times

If you cant sign in at all and are getting 404 and 999 errors or it says page or server not found etc

It is likely your mail program is in the process of being switched over

yahoo mail is slowly being switched from beta to the all new yahoo mail

the servers are being taken off line from time to time to make changes

keep trying to get signed in

then try to (MANUALY) change to yahoo mail programs listed below

if you cant get in your account at all give them a little more time and or contact yahoo


On the mail page on the top right side

Click all new maiL

or click options

then click

The new Yahoo! Mail has arrived! Try it now!


On top left side of mail page

Click mail classic


On the top right side of mail page

Click options

Then click switch to yahoo classic


on key board hold ctrl and alt

then tap delete also on keyboard

then click end task

then click end now

wait for mail program to close

wait a few minutes and try to log in again




The E-Mail address for Yahoo! Customer care is


yahoo philippines contact info

UK Customer Care

Trying to switch to new mail but get IE message that page cannot be displayed. What other options do

I'm using the classic version of yahoo mail and want to switch to the new mail client. When I click the link, the IE window changes to a 'cannot display page' page. I've tried on different versions of IE and Windows (XP and Vista) but to no avail. Anyone have any idea?

Trying to switch to new mail but get IE message that page cannot be displayed. What other options do I have?windows movie maker

keep trying

clear cookies etc

need help with that let us know



not being able to sign in yahoo email incorrect number of recived email alerts on home page and by messenger

the foward and reply option in yahoo mail

blank messenges when you check mail

slow loading mail page

and even sending and recieving email etc etc are still having issues

these and other issues have been reported many times

If you cant sign in at all and are getting 404 and 999 errors or it says page or server not found etc

It is likely your mail program is in the process of being switched over

yahoo mail is slowly being switched from beta to the all new yahoo mail

the servers are being taken off line from time to time to make changes

keep trying to get signed in

then try to (MANUALY) change to yahoo mail programs listed below

if you cant get in your account at all give them a little more time and or contact yahoo


On the mail page on the top right side

Click all new maiL

or click options

then click

The new Yahoo! Mail has arrived! Try it now!


On top left side of mail page

Click mail classic


On the top right side of mail page

Click options

Then click switch to yahoo classic


on key board hold ctrl and alt

then tap delete also on keyboard

then click end task

then click end now

wait for mail program to close

wait a few minutes and try to log in again




The E-Mail address for Yahoo! Customer care is


yahoo philippines contact info

UK Customer Care

Javascript link not wrking in IE?

I created a javascript link to add form elements dynamically.. which is working fine in Mozilla but not in IE...

I tried so many things.. run the registries reqd.. active scripting is also enabled... but still its not working..

can any one suggest a solution to my problem

Javascript link not wrking in IE?

Maybe you've disabled javascript in your internet explorer, to check if you've disabled it. click on tools then internet options and then then on the security tab, click internet, click custom level, scroll down to active scripting then click enable java script. . . Hope I've helped u a bit . . .:D

Javascript link not wrking in IE?

I created a javascript link to add form elements dynamically.. which is working fine in Mozilla but not in IE...

I tried so many things.. run the registries reqd.. active scripting is also enabled... but still its not working..

can any one suggest a solution to my problem

Javascript link not wrking in IE?

Maybe you've disabled javascript in your internet explorer, to check if you've disabled it. click on tools then internet options and then then on the security tab, click internet, click custom level, scroll down to active scripting then click enable java script. . . Hope I've helped u a bit . . .:D

Is foxfire really better then IE?

i dont trust it. IE has served me well, is the standard package, and i have had no problems. y complicate things with an orange icon, different setups, and so called benefits?

Is foxfire really better then IE?windows live

i think its better

Is foxfire really better then IE?windows media player 11 internet explorer

that's mozilla FIRE FOX, not foxfire, and it is a heck of a lot better... it never freezes up, ever!
Yes. Firefox has all of the same features as IE but they're categorized better which gives it a cleaner appearance.
Well firefox is much better than IE.
yes ive loved it ever since i got the "stumble" button
it's not much better and you have to have a lot of extra downloads

btw it's firefox
Yep Im using it now.
i like it alot better because i feel like i have a safer connection and i get less pop ups.
I like it better, I like the "tab" option.
Much better! I also use Opera. I haven't used IE in years.
dont be a tool, firefox is way faster and doesn't load your computer with viruses or spyware..
i don't think it's really better, but i do use it. can have multiple tabs and pages open at the same time. but other than that not much different than ie in my opinion.
If you have all the microsoft updates IE works very well. I do not use firefox. But that is my choice.
firefox is 10 times better the IE could ever be, and you are able to delete everything after you are finished browsing, without any problems
heck yeah. it's SO much better. I don't get all the viruses. Every time I open up IE, I get tons of viruses. I've had it for over a year, and haven't had any problems.
Yeah, I like it a lot. Never had any problems with it. It comes with a lot of extra features that make things easier.
Fire fox is more secure than IE because IE allows instllation of activeX controls by default, meaning that you are screwed if a page has a malicious activeX control. Also, there are more tools for Firefox than IE because IE is a security hole disguised as a program.
No, I tried using it for a few days, and I didn't like it. I switched back to IE.
It's my favorite %26amp; I've tried them all.
Firefox is a much better browser. It's quicker, more stable, and is more secure. It's worth downloading for the tabbed browsing alone.

Plus another thing that makes Firefox better is it's extension model. If you want your web browser to do something, say have your media player controls in the bottom, someone has written an extension for it.

I recommend Firefox to everyone, and you will be glad if you make the switch. It's free so there is no risk, it's not like you can't still use IE if you want.
I think it depends on the User, Mozilla FoxFire allows some things to operate more smothly if you didnt have your IE browser set up correctly. But I perfer IE, have never had any problems with it. %26amp; refuse to let Mozilla FoxFire even be installed on my computer.
Get the new IE! It's got tabs like firefox, and is the ****.
Although you may not trust it, Firefox is a lot more secure and better than IE at blocking unwanted scripts which may cause unwanted and harmful files to be downloaded on your computer. Additionally firefox is faster (through optimized code) and a lot easier to use than IE.

If you get firefox, make sure you get the "NoScript" plugin which will make it even more secure for browsing and keeping your computer virus free (which IE, frankly, sucks at).
If you are useing IE and dont have any problems with it, dont fix something thats not broke
Well if you don't trust it than you shouldn't do it. But I use Firefox and I love it. One word.....tabs.
Then why are you asking if you do not trust it? Keep using your IE. Fire fox works better on a MAC.
You'll have to download some plug-ins right off the bat with Firefox. All in all, it's just a matter of preference. Firefox does seem to be a little more stable, but I've run into a few sites that it's not as compatible with, as IE. I'm a Mac user who happens to work in a PC world. I use Firefox at work, but that's only because my company's version of IE doesn't have tabbed browsing. If you're comfortable with IE, and it works for you -- that's all you need.
i like firefox, you can press open new webpages inside tabs instead of new windows, that will stop cluttering up your taskbar.

the popup blocker is simplier to use, adn more effective. and the web settings, controls, options are all simplified into one menu. oh yeah, the upper right hand corner search box is very handy. you don't need to type in, all you have to do is type in your search term, click enter, and firfox goes to to search. you can add yahoo search engines and other engines to that box as options if you want.

there's more to firefox.
firefox really better then ie try it

heres the beta version
Perhaps you are the same person who did trust MS when they claimed IE does not make it easy for viruses, or spyware, or idiots to write the dozen or so sites that require IE.

Trust who you will..

I say, Anything but IE!
it has less possible virus attack for sure.most virus aim at ie.

Javascript link not wrking in IE?

I created a javascript link to add form elements dynamically.. which is working fine in Mozilla but not in IE...

I tried so many things.. run the registries reqd.. active scripting is also enabled... but still its not working..

can any one suggest a solution to my problem

Javascript link not wrking in IE?

Maybe you've disabled javascript in your internet explorer, to check if you've disabled it. click on tools then internet options and then then on the security tab, click internet, click custom level, scroll down to active scripting then click enable java script. . . Hope I've helped u a bit . . .:D

How to change the css style when browser=IE ?

how can i change one of the styles of my CSS stylesheet when the browser is IE?

my problem is that IE doesn't accept alpha enabled png files as background

How to change the css style when browser=IE ?microsoft access

%26lt;!--[if IE 6]%26gt;

Special instructions for IE 6 here


put that in the head tag of the html document.

For png transparency in IE5.5 and 6, there is a javascript:

How to change the css style when browser=IE ?windows mobile 6 internet explorer

Poor ol' IE (groan!) and not only that, there's differences in VARIOUS RELEASES of IE... (groan!)

If you want the full list of "hacks and filters" see and keep nearby a copy of the cited text:

Is it safe to mov IE and just have firefox on puter i am running XP?

as i have had spyware and viruses with IE

Is it safe to mov IE and just have firefox on puter i am running XP?web browser

I don't see why it wouldn't be safe. I have both installed, however, because every once in awhile, I come across a "dinosaur" website that is only set up for IE and I can't access or use it with Firefox. However, I never open it unless I absolutely have to. It just sits dormant....taking up RAM.

If you can live without needing it occasionally, I don't think will effect anything. As long as you have a browser of some sort to use.

Is it safe to mov IE and just have firefox on puter i am running XP?windows installer internet explorer

yes it's safe
IE is an integral part of Windows. It can't just be removed.

But you can set things up so that Firefox is your default browser and try as best as you can to just forget about Internet Explorer.
It's fine but IE is more compatable with different things, including music videos, but it is not a needed program.
You cant remove internet explorer but you can set firefox as the default browser. You will still need IE because there are some sites which will only work with IE.
yes, it won't harm your computer.
Got nothing to do with IE it is the way you have set it and if you keep on letting all sorts of people give you cookies and you download idiscretly nothing is stopping Viruses as for spyware just remove it also check your spyware how dangerous is it if it is benine leave it.As for Viruses get a Virus programme that stops them not let them in.Firefox will not make it better.

Take care!
I once was asking the same question to myself. In the meantime, I made the experience, that sometimes you may be glad to have both systems rready and at hand. Things are permanently changing and it is unpredictable, what kinds of attacks will hit which system more.
You cannot remove IE, only shortcuts to it. You can and should make Firefox the default browser.
IE is useful at if you need to do manual updates. Surprise!!! that website does not work well with Firefox. There is a Firefox extension that lets you view a page as if you are usiing IE, but I have not tried it on - works ok on others howerver.
I use Internet explorer and I have never had any problems. But of course I am fully updated.
hi, but you cannot remove ie .

firefox is much smaller than IE, so i run faster than IE.

download firefox for free:

Best Wishes %26amp;%26amp; Good Luck!

How to restore internet explorer (IE) icon in the task bar ?

I accidently deleted IE icon from the task bar. How do I restore it ? I tried by opening taskbar %26amp; start up menu properties, but couldnt restore it.

How to restore internet explorer (IE) icon in the task bar ?internet explorer update

Just go to your Start menu and look for the IE icon again. It should be located in your Programs list. Its just a shortcut so you can basically "drag" the icon back onto your desktop or your taskbar.

If you have XP, you can drag any shortcut anywhere.

If you dont have XP then go to my Computer and then C drive. Go to program files and then look for your IE folder. Find the icon for IE, right click on it, copy it. Then just paste it into your taskbar.

How to restore internet explorer (IE) icon in the task bar ?web browser internet explorer

If you have IE on your desktop, right-click it and create shortcut, and it will appear somewhere on the desktop. Then just drag it to the task bar.

Should I get Firefox or upgrade to IE 7?

I am trying to decide whether to upgrade to IE 7 or switch to using Firefox. I've heard that IE 7 has some issues and Firefox is faster and more flexible. I have a Dell Inspiron laptop.


Should I get Firefox or upgrade to IE 7?ie 6

Preferably Firefox. The latest version is and you can download it from or Firefox is safer and more secure than Microsoft Internet Explorer. Not only is Firefox convenient, but if for whatever reason it may have crashed, it can take you back to where you were. It is easy to manage passwords and other options with Firefox. I've noticed Internet Explorer seems very inconvenient, and IE 7 is just Crash-a-mania. Please upgrade to Firefox, because you will be wishing you had if you don't. Firefox is free, open-source and supports nearly every operating system. But, it is all your choice, Safe and Flexible versus Insecure and Heck.

You can customize Firefox to your will by downloading themes, extensions, Ad-Block PLUS, search boxes for many different sites, and it will also automatically install plugins for you. I like the Bookmarks features and Tabs, and easy navigation tools in Firefox. However, as someone mentioned, Windows applications often call Internet Explorer if it is set as the default browser. So I recommend Linux and Firefox, which make a great combo!

Good Luck!

Should I get Firefox or upgrade to IE 7?windows vista internet explorer

actually, they are both good, i'ts all up to you. you can use both of them and there is no problem or malfunctions on either of these two.
go with firefox.more the other answer said get no script and adblock add-ons and youll love the can get a theme too to customize it.firefox rocks.i disagree with the answerer saying that theyre both the same...truth is theyre not.internet explorer uses activex extensions which is a portal for hackers to get in.firefox is better more securer faster,just better than ie7 or any other version of ie

EDIT:safari sucks.its not compatible with most webpages using java.
You do know you could have opened a preverbial can of worms here dont you !

Both are good.

Personally I think IE7 has the edge.

However this just a matter of personal preference.


Safari is completly worthless, a friday afternoon piece of software !

It's a lot faster and safer.
dude you should use safari. its way better than IE or Firefox
Have used both, and Firefox seems to be the better of the two. You may still have to upgrade to IE 7, since some software you could install on you computer might require it in the future. For example, when we installed Norton Antivirus on our computers at work we had to upgrade a lot of them to IE 6, and future editions might require IE 7.
You should be running both.

I usually run with Firefox (for speed). Problem is you'll still find a few sites that don't work with it very well, like, for instance. A lot of software is defaulted to open Explorer when you make API calls.

IE7 has a few issues yet to sort out. Firefox is really stable right now.
Why not have them both, You can download firefox and still upgrade to ie7 as each have there own pros and cons and its always good to have choice
i use firefox with adblock...i make it look like ie6...

i think opera is as good as firefox

ie7 ....i am not sure when a security hole will surface ...i dont use it... a lot of windows haters are constantly trying to hack ie ...its only a matter of time before they crack it

and yes some sites dont appear well in firefox...we have to suffer ie for all its backcomings.....

like windows update and some sites....

they dont render in ff....

u can use both or three of them or even safari its yet to come to expectations ....i tried it

i recommend firefox....and ie if some sites dont show up well u can use use ie in firefox
If speed is the issue, I would say that Opera has the edge, followed by IE7 and then Firefox.

Feature-wise, I would have to prefer Firefox. With the "Faster Fox" add-in, it does perform markedly better.

How do I eliminate this? In IE, I often experience a "Runtime Error has occurred? Do you wish t

This happens as I navigate through IE, with the particular error changing, but it is always a RunTime error? Is there some setting I can adjust to eliminate this?

How do I eliminate this? In IE, I often experience a "Runtime Error has occurred? Do you wish to debug?"microsoft windows xp

Get firefox...

How do I eliminate this? In IE, I often experience a "Runtime Error has occurred? Do you wish to debug?"ie 7 internet explorer

yes try firefox or opera
Go to windows update, and download all the updates available for your computer except the security updates, just to preserve space and time, if you like, you can download those too for extra security.

That will lessen the frequency of that problem, I have tried it my self.

You should also make it a constant habit of emptying your internet temp files, as well as scanning and decrementing your HDD.

Scanning for viruses, adwares and spyware is a big bonus too!

I do all those checkup daily, and are proving to be great daily procedures.

How to restore internet explorer (IE) icon in the task bar ?

I accidently deleted IE icon from the task bar. How do I restore it ? I tried by opening taskbar %26amp; start up menu properties, but couldnt restore it.

How to restore internet explorer (IE) icon in the task bar ?internet explorer update

Just go to your Start menu and look for the IE icon again. It should be located in your Programs list. Its just a shortcut so you can basically "drag" the icon back onto your desktop or your taskbar.

If you have XP, you can drag any shortcut anywhere.

If you dont have XP then go to my Computer and then C drive. Go to program files and then look for your IE folder. Find the icon for IE, right click on it, copy it. Then just paste it into your taskbar.

How to restore internet explorer (IE) icon in the task bar ?web browser internet explorer

If you have IE on your desktop, right-click it and create shortcut, and it will appear somewhere on the desktop. Then just drag it to the task bar.

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